Learn more about Christabel Blackburn's creative process and exclusive access to her own artistic inspirations. Blackburn talks in detail about how she was initally drawn into this sphere.
1. What inspired you to create this piece?
I was in LA last year when this man caught my attention. I am hyper-observant, always curious about the life story of strangers, and certain people just need to be painted, I will lose track of time just watching and wondering about people.

2. Does your practice respond to any specific themes?
Wherever I go I find someone I want to paint. The subject matter usually chooses me, presenting itself in day-to-day life, I don’t have to go searching. I have 75,000 photos on my phone! I’m on the alert for new material all the time, which I sketch and make compositions for paintings from, the paintings themselves are made in my studio.
3. What mediums did you use to create this work?
This one is oil on paper and was part of a series of sketches for larger oil paintings which have just been exhibited at Gillian Jason gallery in london.
4. Who are your biggest artistic influences?
My Dad loved Hopper and my mum loves Hockney, so I grew up familiar with both artists. In my twenties I was looking at street photography, and when I got into portraiture I looked at Boafa and Barkley L. Hendricks. My favourite paintings are probably by Van Gogh and Gauguin. But thanks to Instagram I’m constantly finding new artists I admire and am being inspired by.
5. How do you find new inspiration?
Inspiration doesn’t come from sitting in your studio, so when i’m in a creative rut I need to go outside. The best places for me are exhibitions and galleries, but as I said Instagram is also great source for new artists. Looking at other artists either contemporary or from history is the greatest resource, alongside every day life.
Explore Christabel Blackburn's full collection here